Friday, December 13, 2019

Monkey in the mirror Free Essays

Monkey in the mirror is a book written by Ian Tattersall and it was published by the oxford university press in the year 2002 with 203 pages and the serial number is ISBN 0-19-851569-3. Tattersall a curator by profession is a PhD holder From Yale University,Tattersall, a Briton, is a curator in the Division of Anthropology of the American Museum of Natural History â€Å"Dr. Tattersall is currently working with Research Associate Jeffrey Schwartz on a multi-volume project to document the major fossils in the human fossil record. We will write a custom essay sample on Monkey in the mirror or any similar topic only for you Order Now The literature as it stands is not a good resource for comparing human fossils, because standards of description and terminology vary widely. Because it employs a consistent descriptive and photographic protocol, this new work will make it possible for the first time for colleagues, students, and others to make the necessary comparisons without the extensive travel needed to consult the originals, which are in institutions all over the world. It will thus be a unique resource for pale anthropology that will spur future research† by D.S.G. POLLOCK â€Å"According to tattersall this is a great book having researched on it well and pointing to a lot of essays and as we all know human history or geology is a difficult topic and needs much research before one tries to defend his/her argument and as tattersall explain in his preface, â€Å"this is a somewhat unusual book, being â€Å"a series of loosely connected essays on evolution and related subjects† rather than a tightly constructed argument. Presumably because of this, it lacks both an index and any references or even a suggested reading list, which is a rather unfortunate limitation, especially in view of its author’s somewhat contentious views† Campbell. Copyright  © Anthony Campbell (2002) The book in all has eight in which tattersall has discussed different issues brings out Where the man came from that is according to evolution theory which he has stated different parts of the world. The first two paragraphs are of general information about what science and evolution is. He firstly discuss what science is and theory and its findings and what it helps us in modern day to understand The first chapter of the book, titled What’s So Special about Science?, provides a surprising insight into the cultural context in which Tattersall works. at the American museum In these, Tattersall sets the scene for what follows. He is particularly keen to counter the idea that adaptation in evolution is â€Å"for† anything. Novelty arises on a haphazard basis and it is purely a matter of luck if it turns out to have a beneficial effect on survival and reproduction. About novelty in evolution, tattersall supports the view that radial innovations can appear in select few the rest of the book is concerned in one way or another â€Å"with aspects of human evolution. In a chapter called â€Å"The Monkey in the Mirror†, which is also the title of the whole connection, Tattersall considers the question of which animals are capable of recognizing their own reflection (only humans and some though not all apes), and considers the connection, or lack of connection, between brain size and intelligence. Although we often think that a large brain is what mainly distinguishes us from other species, pre-human hominids were not chiefly remarkable for the size of their brains. Instead, Tattersall identifies three features that he thinks are important in this regard: upright stance, the use of stone tools, and a â€Å"modern† body form.† Anthony Campbell. â€Å"Tattersall devotes a full chapter to Homo erectus and the Australopithecenes who preceded him; and he is emphatic that the transition from one to the other was abrupt. Another of the evolutionary themes that Tattersall is keen to emphasize is denoted by the inelegant neologism of exaptation† pollok Neanderthals has a complete topic dedicated by tattersall and adopts the view that they were not ancestral to us but are of different species he holds a view that they were killed by our own ancestors and has a believe that the they could have interbred. Chapter Seven consist of a sustained attack on evolutionary psychology and sociobiology. Tattersall is scornful of the idea that our present-day behavior is conditioned by our long evolutionary background as hunter-gatherers or that our psychology is dependent on our genes. â€Å"However, I think there is a better case to be made out for such ideas than he allows, and his inevitably rather brief discussion of it is one-sided† Kevin N. Laland and Gillian R. Brown. â€Å"Tattersall’s account of man’s evolution conveys a modern message. As far as the science of paleoanthropology is concerned, it is up to the minute in the way that it reports the tenor of current thinking. It has been written with such facility and in such affluent prose that, sometimes, its cutting edge is too well concealed. It can take an effort of concentration, far beyond what the book ostensibly requires of the reader, to anatomize its rich and complex message. But, any reader who is prepared to devote time and thought to this brief book will be abundantly rewarded† Stephen Pollock. The final chapter forecast the future. in his essay he says, I quote: â€Å"It is fairly pessimistic about our chances of survival. As a consolation prize, however, if humanity is reduced to scattered pockets of survivors in relative isolation from one another there will be a chance for evolution to take off again; a large and unified population like ours today does not afford the fragmentation and isolation that is needed for selection to act.† tattersall Conclusion To conclude and in short, tattersal is a profound writer and this book is exceptional and will interest anyone who envies evolution of the current day. And as we see the book has no references and this is a set back because readers will not have an alternative incase they want an alternative view. Works cited; Monkey in the mirror-Ian tattersall Anthony Campbell- Essays on the scienc How to cite Monkey in the mirror, Essay examples

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