Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Dangers of Scuba Diving and Underwater Exploration Essay

Scuba diving can be a fun activity, you just have to take certain health and safety precautions. There are lots of dangers in scuba diving, and underwater exploration. There is always the danger of a shark attack. Sharks are closer to the banks during the months of April through September. From the months of October through March, they have migrated South for the Winter. After returning from migration, sharks are often hungry and tend to feed on things other than whats on their diet. Most attacks on humans are in the months of April and March. One of the main staples on a sharks diet is a sea turtle. When a diver is in all of their gear, sharks mistake them for sea turtles. Although a shark attack is a danger, it is not very†¦show more content†¦This happens because the deeper you dive into the ocean, the higher the pressure is on your ears. Diving in high pressure for long periods of time can also cause permanent hearing loss. Diving has many pros and cons. Chambers page.2 Not everyone can dive. Diving take many months of training. Training usually lasts up to three to four months. During the first month of training, you will practice your swimming skills. An instructor will test your ability to withstand certain conditions while in the water. They will test your ability to with stand strong currents, and big waves. You will also be taught what to do if you become tired or dizzy while diving. If you do become tired or dizzy while diving, you need to lie on your back and float. During the second month of training, you will practice breathing at different pressure points, and altitude. Diving in deeper water makes it harder to breathe, and without proper training, can cause dizziness or unconsciousness. During the second month of training, you will learn about all of your scuba gear. You will learn how to put it on, and how to use it. Scuba gear can weigh up to seventy five pounds. If you arent muscular enough, the weight of the scuba gear can weigh you down, and cause you to be tired or drown. Months before training to dive you should go to a gym and try lifting weights, and improve your leg and arm muscles. (â€Å"Gear†) During the thirdShow MoreRelatedBecoming a Marine Biologists1603 Words   |  6 Pageslife. During the Renaissance period, Europeans started to explore the world. At first the exploration was about conquering the new land and traveling to different lands, but over time the explorers became curious about the ocean and what was in it. Soon explorers began to take Naturalist on their explorations to make scientific discovers about the ocean and lands. By the mid eighteen hundreds explorations were being funded solemnly for scientific research. As an alternative to working on boats whereRead More The Physics Of Scuba Diving Essay example4570 Words   |  19 PagesHave you ever wondered what it would be like to swim with the fish and explore the underwater jungle that covers two-thirds of the earths surface? I have always been interested in water activities; swimming, diving and skiing, and I felt that scuba was for me. My first dive took place while on a family vacation. I came across a dive shop offering introductory dives, which immediately caught my interest. After much convincing (my parents), with my solemn assurance that I would be careful, IRead MoreA Report On The Underwater World1833 Words   |  8 Pagesplunge. The underwater world takes on a new persona as its inhabitants are magnified through my goggles. Bubbles float up past my head as I slowly and deeply breathe through my regulator while keeping my body neutrally buoyant to prevent myself from touching the marine life below. My fins cut through the water as they attempt to propel me against the strong ocean current over large kelp forests. Fish of all shapes and sizes swim up to investigate who I am and what I am doing in their underwater world.Read MoreThe Legacy Of World War I3570 Words   |  15 Pagessank so quickly. His biggest obstacle: The Irish government, which has fought him for years over his plans to explore the wreck. It was a kiss Gregg Bemis will never forget. It happened in 2004. Bemis, 76 years old at the time, was wrapped in diving gear, floating at the bottom of the Irish Sea. He took out his mouthpiece, knelt carefully on a slab of encrusted steel, and planted a fervent if wet smooch on the hull of the Lusitania—the elegant passenger ship that was sunk by a German submarine

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