Monday, April 20, 2020

The Neighbors Essays - Splatalot! Episodes, , Term Papers

The Neighbors I'm sure going to miss their great friendliness and hospitality. They were always so nice to me, and my mom and dad. They were probably the best neighbors we have ever had. I think Judy was the first friend I met when I moved here from Wisconsin. We were both so young, it's bad of me not going to the funeral. I'll probably regret that I didn't go later on but, I just couldn't handle it right now. Brandon we' re home. Yea Mom I'm upstairs, do you think that anyone has moved into the Smites house yet? No I don't think so, why? Because all the lights are on. Also there is a car that looks like the Smites in the driveway. You know that is impossible their car was totaled in the accident. The police had to cut the car in half to get the three bodies out. Well don't worry about it. You know we just came from their funeral it must be someone from the real estate company who has a car like John and Beth had. Why don't you come down and eat. We stopped and got pizza. Sounds great I'll be down in a minute. Gosh mom why did you get all this pizza? Are you expecting company? No Brandon, if we don't finish it tonight, I'll put the left over pizza in the refrigerator. Sure mom, like we're going to finish it all tonight. I wouldn't be so sure, I think you are in for a surprise tonight. Hey.. uh mom what's that old grungy book doing on the table? Its an old book that's been passed down through several generations of my family. I thought that you would like to look at it with me and your father. As I took a glance at this queer looking book I noticed the peculiar title that read MAGICO NEGRO. I figured it was spanish but had no idea what it meant. I ignored it and as I was hungry, and sat down for dinner. When I was getting ready to chow down, my mother said Why don't we pray? This had me stupefied because we usually only pray when it's a special dinner or holiday But when mom picked up the freaky book I was alarmed and fearful of what she planned on doing! I saw that she had opened it to the Vs and was looking at the word vecino in capital letters. Mom was acting very strange. She told my father and I to hold hands with her in a circle around the table. She then continued, telling us to repeat after her. Her words were not familiar to me as she said sim sim sala beem. We all repeated, again sim sim sala beem. After what seemed like twenty minutes of repeating these odd words and phrases mom stopped. I felt a cold gust of winter air blow down my spine. I found this unbelievable as it was a hot August evening. I was really ready for the pizza, as it was getting cold, especially with the cold blast of arctic air blowing through the house. Just as I was about to dig in, mom said wait for the guests. What guests, I didn't know any one was coming over! Who could it be, mom and dad's best friends were dead!! DING DONG the doorbell rang, I don't think I'll ever get to eat. I hate pizza warmed in the microwave. Mom said Brandon why don't you get the door I reluctantly agreed. As I approached the door I could see the outline of three people. One looked to be about my age with long hair. As I opened the door to see who was keeping me from my dinner, I almost fell over. In fact I guess I did fall over. The next thing I knew I was on the floor and Mr. Smite was trying to revive me, and Judy was holding my hand. I can't tell you the thoughts that were going on in my head. Mass confusion, total disbelief, how could this be happening, they're DEAD! Mom came running in to the foyer to see what the commotion was all about. Hi Beth, Hi John, Hi

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