Saturday, June 6, 2020

Stress Management in Undergraduate College Students - 1375 Words

The Use of Physical Exercise for Stress Management in Undergraduate College Students (Essay Sample) Content: The Use of Physical Exercise for Stress Management in Undergraduate College StudentsNameInstitution The Use of Physical Exercise for Stress Management in Undergraduate College StudentsThe transition from high school to college can be a particularly stressful moment for many students. Further, as the student undergoes the intensive learning program, the pressure to achieve good grades and build a sustainable career, while maintaining positive social relationships can be stressing. As such, stress is universal and a virtually unavoidable situation for college learners (Bland et al., 2014). When not addressed promptly, the stressful experience can be crippling. There are various interventions available for stress management among college students. Physical activity has been recommended as one of the most effective strategies in stress management. Evidence-based research shows that physical activity is a useful intervention in reducing anxiety among young adults (Wilkins on et al., 2014). However, only limited studies have addressed stress management using physical exercise among college students. Nevertheless, there is sufficient self-reported documentation on the use of physical activity among individuals to buffer the effects of stress. Physical activity, in general, promotes body wellness and reduces stress more effectively compared to the use of antidepressants; hence, it is considered an effective intervention for stress management among undergraduate college students.Use of Physical Exercise for Stress Management There are numerous positive outcomes of physical exercise on the body. Some of these benefits include prevention and management of chronic conditions, promotion of good health for the heart and lungs, and warding off depression and anxiety. Physical activity is widely recognized as an effective means of preventing chronic conditions among individuals, as well as in the rehabilitation process for chronic patients (Delisle, Werch Wong, 2010). In general, physical activity positively impacts on the person's health and their wellbeing. However, despite the perceived benefits of physical activity in ensuring body wellness, physical inactivity remains a looming challenge across populations (Das Evans, 2014). Aerobic exercises are effective in enhancing overall heart health, endurance, as well as facilitating weight loss (Wilkinson et al., 2014). Physical activity among college students is vital in enhancing their muscle strength and endurance. The relaxation derived from body exercise enables the individual to easily perform their daily chores and averts conditions linked to decline in muscle strength. It also enhances the stability of body joints. Regular exercise improves heart circulation, controls body weight and boosts energy, prevents diabetes by enhancing insulin circulation, and increases strength and endurance, which helps in alleviating back pain. Typically, physical activity reduces stress in the body th rough the release of endorphins. Physical exercise of any form can be an effective stress reliever. When an individual is active, the feel good endorphins are stimulated, and this distracts the individual from their daily worries(Wilkinson et al., 2014). Exercises such as yoga and aerobics go a long way in stress management. There is a big connection between exercise and stress relief, and this is why exercises are recommended as part of an individuals stress management plan (Bland et al., 2014). For college students who are constantly subjected to stressfulsituations, they can adopt physical exercise routines as a way of enhancing their overall health since these activities have been reported to have a stress-busting effect. Exercises pump up the brains generation of the feel-good neurotransmitters, which are referred as endorphins. In addition, a fast-paced meditation in motion helps the individual forget their daily irritations and concentrate on the exercise routine (Wilkinson et al., 2014). Subsequently, the person begins to let go of their daily tension as they engage in movement and physical activity. This is because they find that they are able to focus on a single task since they have generated high energy and optimism. Largely, physical exercise boosts an individuals mood since it causes them to relax, helps them overcome depression and anxiety, and improves their sleep patterns, which is usually disrupted by stress and anxiety. Using physical exercise in the management of stress and anxiety has been proven as a great alternative to using antidepressants (Wilkinson et al., 2014). Being depressed leaves the individual feeling low, and this could discourage them from being active. However, engaging in physical exercise can boost ones mood if they have depression, especially among individuals who have mild to moderate depression. For people who wish or need to avoid medication, physical exercise is considered as an effective substitute for antidepress ants. In fact, the use of physical exerciseamong people with depression has been reported to have a longer lasting effect compared to the use of antidepressants. Research has shown that physical exercise is an effective intervention, although underused in the prevention of depression (Bland et al., 2014). Some of the recommended exercises for mild to moderate depression include biking, gardening, golfing, yoga, aerobics, moderate jogging and walking, among other activities. To ease depression, the person should exercise for at least20 to 30 minutes, three times a week (Kettunen, Vuorimaa Vasankari, 2015). For better consistency, the individual can join a team sport, attend dance classes or maintain an active daily routine by walking or cycling. College students may experience stress or may be stressed because of a number of aspects in their immediate environment. Bland et al. (2014) argues that college students are subjected to stress from personal, educational, and social issues. Some of the specific stressors arise from interpersonal relationships, personal finance management, experiences of failure, and difficult choices in making career decisions (Bland et al., 2014). As these students transition to adulthood and are exposed to increased responsibilities and challenges, perceived stress among the group increases as well. Consequently, stress among college students is inevitable as these young adults are exposed to a myriad of challenges. In other incidents, the issues and contributing factors to stress among college students could have an adverse impact on the psychological health of these learners. College students have recorded high prevalence of psychiatric and psychological challenges. Besides, the incidents, as well as, the severity of mental health issues among college students seem to be on the increase (Kettunen, VuorimaaVasankari, 2010). Furthermore, research indicates that the rate of depression has been on the rise over the last couple of years (Bland et al., 2014). In this regard, stress tolerance interventions seek to address the high prevalence of stress among college students and the interventions available for the group to address the problem. Physical activity has been well-documented as an effective means of alleviating stress and anxiety problems. There are numerous positive benefits of physical activity as a stress management technique among undergraduate college students. Most studies assert that individuals who are more active tend to experience lower level of stress, anxiety and depression, compared to people who tend to adopt sedentary lifestyles. Although there is no well-outlined mechanism on how exercise alleviates stress, the r...

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